
 Global Warming Warrior Wear, “S.P.C.” Is an Eco-Friendly Apparel Company - T-shirts, Products, and Accessories. (Hoodies coming soon)

  • Made in the USA
  • We utilize recycled / environmentally friendly materials
  • We use non-toxic water-based inks in the printing process

We are a Social Purpose Corporation, “S.P.C.” which means that we have a social conscious and base our decisions and company mission on issues that support causes that will improve our environment and address social injustice.

Mission Statement: 

The mission of Global Warming Warrior Wear, “S.P.C.” is to address Environmental, Humanitarian, Social and Geopolitical abuses by Promoting, Funding and Supporting; Activism, Awareness, Mobilization of People / Equipment & Technologies wherever they are needed as well as education and training in sustainability methods.

Long Term Mission: 
• Human Rights  
• Global Warming Crisis
• Environmental Cleanup 
• Clean Drinking Water Availability 
• Geopolitical Issues - Fighting for DEMOCRACY
• Food Security - Accessibility of Fresh Produce at an Affordable Price in Remote & Impoverished Areas 

We are directly involved in seeking to halt and reverse the critical climate change factors that are contributing to the climate crisis that we are experiencing in real time. 

Our merchandise is marketed and sold in order to raise capital and donate to the organizations to help achieve the goals of the company in addressing; environmental, humanitarian, and geopolitical abuses.

The “S.P.C” donates proceeds, to a variety of environmental causes that are focused on clean up and prevention measures that will reduce carbon emissions. 

The “S.P.C.” will develop the systems below and make them available for deployment in order to address 3 main areas that are adversely impacting our environment and basic human rights:

  1. Water Treatment Systems for: Emergency / Disaster Relief / Impoverished Areas for Potable Drinking Water. Also, for Reuse / Recycle in the Industrial / Manufacturing / Oil & Gas Sectors as well as slop oil pond clean up and Treating of Lagoons, Lakes, Rivers, Reservoirs and other Waterways.
  1. Food Security Technologies: We will increase Shelf Life of Produce to Market & for Consumption by; Treating Pre & Post-harvest Produce with non-harmful chemicals and without the use of pesticides.
  1. Environmental Cleanup: Mobilize People & Equipment, Educate & train the people and governments in order to reduce Carbon / Greenhouse Emissions, Ocean Cleanup, and Decontamination of Eco-Systems.

Be a, "Global Warming Warrior" in the fight to SAVE our PLANET and for Human Rights and Social Equality.